Dating Someone with Overprotective or Jealous Friends & Family

TFC&H Co. Tie-Fly Digest

This is quite tricky, you know the friends and family of your significant other are very important, but you cant help but pick up on energy that seems to say they liked the ex better or that you are interfering in quality bro or sis time. Face it, your new to the game, they’ve known these people all their life or a decent portion of it and you’re most likely to get the boot faster than any of them, not that you’d want to boot anyone…… or do we? Im teasing more than anything you want to get along, have fun and be like part of the ol’ gang.

Address, address, address, you dont want to ignore your feelings. Speak to your mate about any interactions, or interpretations that brought you to your conclusion. All conversations are hard but resolve cant be had without addressing your mate as with any…

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Destructive Relationships

TFC&H Co. Tie-Fly Digest

Sometimes the signs are not as obvious as physical violence & the signs may not show early on but their is no excuse for staying or any guilt you should feel for leaving someone that doesn’t see even when explained their wrongs. Here are some of the red flags that it may be time to runaway:

Destructive or abusive behavior – to themselves, you or others, their property, your property or others property. There is no excuse for such behaviors but it should be more alarming if it is used to gain control or provoke fear.

Habitual liar – they will never tell you the truth, no matter what.

Denial – they never acknowledge anything, will blatantly deny actions.

Eggshells – you feel uneasy or nervous in a non-loving way around them, you question yourself a lot in an unhealthy way, you doubt yourself or abilities…

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Dating in 20’s vs 30’s

TFC&H Co. Tie-Fly Digest

There are obvious differences in how we view things at our early 20’s versus mid & beyond our 20’s. These cartoons I’ve found hit some of our dating views on the head.

In our 20’s we may be all about making superficial changes to impress him or her. In our 30’s it’s more of wanting someone to accept us in all our ways & at our most comfortable. Who wants to put on airs all the time let’s just enjoy each other & unwind.

Waiting until marriage is most definitely in our best interest & no age is to late to put this into play, but admittedly so if you haven’t played by the rules, you’ve gained experience over time & with age it most definitely shows.

As we age our precusors change instead of looks coming before any other requirement, we look for deeper qualities along with or ahead…

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